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Below is a general guide for costs for video services...
Hourly Rate - Editing: £25 per hour
Filming - Half Day (Up to 4 Hours) £80 / Full Day (Up to 8 Hours) £160
Fuel Expenses - 0.45p per mile
Sports Packages (Eg Rugby/Football):
Filming -
£40 Filming Per Game (80-90 Minutes Game)
Editing -
£60 Importing & Editing Full Game Footage (80-90 mins Game). Exporting and uploading to a private YouTube Link. Providing movie file as a download to save to your own computer.
Highlights Package (Around 10 minute package) -
£45 - Highlights edited, exported and uploaded to YouTube or provided as downloadable file - HD 1080p.
Extras -
Specific editing:
E.g. Rugby League - Attack & Defence Segments - Editing and exporting - £60
To discuss any other specific needs please get in touch via the 'Contact Page'
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